A step by step guide to getting your site inductions right

Regardless of the size of the construction site and the different processes you may already have in place, you need to do your inductions properly. Inductions are designed to give visitors and contractors the needed information and training to work safely on a construction site. A slip up in paperwork could be the cause of accidents or poor accountability of personnel in a crisis. We break down the inductions process and offer some tips on how to make it more efficient and error free.

deliver site inductions online or offline or a combination of the two
deliver site inductions online or offline or a combination of the two

Provide the right information

What you need to provide will depend on the size of the construction site and the stage of the project. A block of flats will need a more in-depth induction process than a bungalow. There is no one size fits all approach to what information you need to provide, but we have summarised the key ones below: 
● Cover the Incident, emergency and evacuation procedures.
● Layout of the site or workplace. You should includes all entries, exits, facilities and location of security and first aid
● The procedures for reporting incidents and hazards
● Review the hazards and risks the visitor/contractor may experience on this specific site i.e. dangerous substance handling
● Detail the control measures these specific risks
● List the site specific rules which the visitor MUST comply with such as wearing protective equipment
● Safety documents, policies and plans specific to the workplace e.g. traffic management plan

The format in which you present this information is important, as you need to ensure that everything is properly recorded and can be checked quickly and easily. 

Look at task specific training

Visitors may not require any specific training as they are only onsite for a brief period, however

contractors will need specific training on the tasks they will be undertaking. The induction is a key time for giving the right training on hazards and risks, and the control measures they need to take to ensure their safety. You should look to include the follow elements in task specific training during the site induction process:

● Who’s in charge of the project and who is responsible for certain functions
● Information pack on the duties / task the contractor will be undertaking
● The risks, hazards and control measures that are involved with the task
● If applicable, you should how the contractor the Method Statement or other supporting documentation.
● Cover any legal responsibilities the contractor has and any codes of practise (is applicable) that must be followed. 

Carrying out the site induction

How you carry out the site induction will be influenced by the health and safety needs of the project, the size of the construction site and how many people need to be inducted.

In our experience we’ve seen many Site Managers spend 12+ hours a week on site inductions and this includes a lot of paperwork and post it notes. This leaves a lot of room for error which runs high risks, especially on complex and dangerous sites. 

Online site induction software is the next generation of ensuring safety for site visitors and contractors as well as reducing workload, therefore bringing down costs in lost time for site managers. Read more about how Online Induction Manager could improve the way you do site inductions.