Innovative construction trends to look out for in the future

The construction marketplace continues to astound us with attractive structures, innovative construction and methods and improved architectural models as more and more construction projects are getting smarter. The rapid development of emerging construction opportunities with high tech machinery and equipment can make high end structures much faster, with lower costs and better buildings and structures. With modern technology and construction trends to continue at pace in the upcoming future, here are some innovative construction trends which would definitely shape and improve construction projects to make the industry and the marketplace more competitive and dynamic.

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Detailed 3D Architectural Modeling

Gone are the days when construction buildings needed an architectural plan or blueprint. Now architectural models have become more innovative. Instead of blueprint or 2D drawings, more 3D computer designs are made to provide better visualizations for the clients and provide a clear live picture of how the construction building would look like from all different angles.

Architectural plans have thus become more modernized and innovative and are not limited to the traditional print methods. A basic 3D model outlines specific building models and systems, basic model structural engineering, mechanical and electrical plans, plumbing systems, ductwork and more. Architect designers can ensure that no systems interfere for any drastic or severe consequences and that each and everything is properly in place to make sure that the construction process runs smoothly without causing any severe damage.

Schedule Modeling through the Use of BIM

Many construction companies are adapting the use of BIM (Building Information Modelling) to show owners how digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of the construction may affect schedule deadlines, constructability, construction equipment and machinery or the transportation equipment needed to evaluate large scale options and used them in the construction phase. These modern and scientific digital prints evaluate and review early design concepts if they are viable for the building structure or not.

Integrating the Use of Energy Saving Building Systems in the Construction Phase

Construction companies are increasingly integrating the use of efficient energy saving prospects in early stages of the architectural and construction phases. Builders and architects have to model on how different energy saving solutions or systems will affect the building or construction phase. They also need to conduct a cost analysis and make informed decisions to achieve a higher ROI against the overall building value and if it is a viable option in the future as well.

Making Buildings More Digitalised and Smart

As more digitisation is taking place for businesses as well as in the construction building process, more and more systems are being digitalised for data monitoring and to provide remote access for the owner to make things easier. Such digital technologies are emerging and are on the rise as owners can not only keep track of their facility systems but also automate them whenever they want to. Such systems provide monitoring and security for the owner. The system can allow for the distribution of lighting and can easily be turned on or off at specific zones or reasons to require efficient and smart energy savings for the owners. Such smart and intelligent systems are slowly becoming the norm for the newly developed buildings..

The Flow of Information On-Site

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On-site construction teams need to coordinate with different stakeholders for instructions and guidelines. Thus the use of mobile phones, mobile apps and constant engagement to share information on-site has become a necessary element in the construction process.

Thus, the use of this technology and the constant update about the information saves time, reduces costs and improves upon the reliability and availability of materials from retailers and vendors. Using custom mobile applications; the construction team can draw up plans and evaluations on-site to take fast decisions regarding any complicated problem. Quick pictures can be easily taken and sent out to ask for guidance or advice regarding any difficult on-site or construction problem.

Using UAVs

Integrating the use of (UAVs) Unmanned Aerial vehicles with an on-board camera to take static or moving images and live video feed of the construction project. Construction project teams are exploring its use more while surveying geographical terrains, sites and landscapes to create efficient 3D models of the site prior to the construction phase.

Having UAVs can provide on-site live monitoring, inspections and safer evaluations for difficult terrains or hard to reach landscapes. Such evaluations are most effective for complicated construction projects such as colossal bridges, skyscrapers, huge tunnels or jaw dropping dames. It can also fly on top of the building (80 feet) to provide aerial view and used as marketing tool for investors.

The Use of 3-D Printing

3-D printing can easily generate and print 3-D designs which are necessary for the construction process. A 3-D printer can add and print any small necessary construction equipment layer by layer with correct specification and size dimension details. As construction projects demand 3-D models, and thus 3-D printing comes as a logical future progression. Many high tech construction companies have giant 3-D printers for printing out necessary piping, insulation or difficult installation materials.

It reduces health and safety hazards, use of recyclable materials, waste reduction and the capability to build better construction material with design concepts and correct size dimensions. Some colossal construction projects are already integrating the use of 3D printing for building components.

Enhancing On-Site Safety and Protection

As technological advancement and innovation takes place, so does the dangerous risks associated with the construction procedure. Thus it is important to ensure

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that construction projects are executed with safety and protection. Ensuring safety and protection in construction has always been the challenge for construction companies. That is why it is necessary for construction companies to provide workers with protective gear and safe protective clothing to protect them from the harmful on-site dangers that can happen during construction. Many construction companies establish safety guidelines and procedures for workers in order to protect them so that construction jobs are less dangerous and there isn’t any loss of life in the process.

Labour Work Being Automatized

Construction projects involve a lot of repetitive manual labour work which can be easily automated through the use of robots or machinery. More automated technological advancement is taking place to handle exhausting labour work routines such as brick-laying or transporting constructive materials at different construction levels of the building. Implementation of such a technological trend would only require less labour workers and construction companies would only hire skilled labour force that can oversee the work and make sure that everything is being properly executed and implemented.

All such modern and innovative construction trends are more cost effective, sustainable, easier and has a scientific approach in order to execute the project with proper scheduling and using the latest building methods, tools, techniques and technologies so that construction projects are not just built, but are built smart and efficiently to ensure longevity and survival.

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Source: Rachael Everley