Helping you with costing your stock, asset and equipment tracking!

Here’s how Mosaic’s Stock, Asset and Inspection module works!

All deliveries entering the site can be scanned as stock, using a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). While plant equipment is simply labelled with barcodes or RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags and is scanned both when given and returned against the recipient’s record. When the time arises for the equipment to be serviced or inspected, records denoting this can be uploaded against the specific plant tools, construction hand tools and site equipment. Let’s see how it stacks up as an investment.

We have developed a ‘calculator’ to help you accurately assessing the cost of using this module. We feel it is time you put a figure on all those administration hours put into tracking equipment, stock control and ensuring tools are maintained correctly.

We fervently believe that companies need to use RFID technology to reduce theft, down time and eliminate man hours spent tracking stock and equipment using outdated technology.

Take a free demo and see for yourself the benefits that our online Stock, Asset and Inspection module can bring to your site or project