5 Frequently Asked Questions about Online Induction

We can appreciate that moving to an online induction program might through up a few questions before you take the plunge. Therefore, we have pulled together a list of ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ that are regularly posed to us by clients in your shoes.

  1. How will running online inductions specifically make my life easier, than doing it face-to-face?

Here at Mosaic we believe in offering you options to continue running your inductions face-to-face or chose to move them online or offer a combination of both. We do not prescribe the best method for you to get your message or training across to your workforce. What we are currently witnessing in the construction sector however, is a move to delivering inductions online, or a combination of the two.

deliver site inductions online or offline or a combination of the two
deliver site inductions online or offline or a combination of the two

Running online inductions will certainly save you money as you remove the need for booking rooms and having a presenter for the event. Online inductions offer total flexibility, as they can be completed anytime.

Online inductions save considerable man hours as the induction is delivered via a portal. Those who have not completed it fully and in time not gain access to site until they have done so. This method also allows inductions to be standardised and the data collated in a central database.

  1. How will I know that workers have completed the briefing and understand the information presented? At least when it is face-to-face they can ask questions.

The beauty of online inductions is that you can include a variety of stimulating material for your workforce to view. This includes presentations, film content, pictures and interactive quizzes. The quizzes usually come at the end of the induction and are designed to test knowledge gained using a multiple-choice format. A pass benchmark can be set and if this is not realised then questions would need to be retaken.

Just to reiterate we offer you the choice of running online inductions, off line, or a combination of two. Should you wish to maintain your current program of face-to-face inductions, then the software allows your existing workforce and contractors to book onto the most convenient class. This puts the onus on the workforce to complete the training and automatic reminders can be sent should their involvement not be forthcoming.

  1. I usually get all the legal certification from my workers and contractors when I see them at the induction?

Inductions help you to gather information from new staff, as well as vice versa. This can include things like proof of qualifications and certification. In some cases, such as within the construction industry, certification relating to health & safety and competence can be a legal requirement.

The Mosaic software has a feature built in that allows contractors and your works alike to upload this necessary documentation. This can be checked prior to allowing entry onto the project.

  1. Is the software user-friendly?

Yes, it is very user friendly and has been designed with the consumer in mind. However, should you need support then we provide Technical Support during working hours. We also provide access to our ‘HelpFiles’ which is effectively a user manual.

  1. What if I need to run non-standard inductions to different roles involved in the project?

This is not a problem, by specifying roles from the outset the system will allow the user to easily to upload different content for different worker groups. We appreciate that different workers face different situations from a health & safety perspective and training may need to reflect this.

Should you have any further questions then do not hesitate to contact us via the link.