Why construction should remain vigilant over the Christmas shutdown period: The importance of construction site security

2 minutes

With planning for the Christmas site shutdown underway, Biosite Security is urging the construction industry to remain vigilant over the Christmas period against the risk of crime. As the majority of construction sites close down during the period between Christmas and New Year, it can provide the ideal conditions for opportunistic theft and vandalism of equipment from site.

A recent study by NFU Mutual* reported that;
– 83 per cent of tradespeople stated they leave portable tools and equipment on site overnight
– just over half (55 per cent) also reported experiencing theft of personal items from a building site. 

The study makes for sobering reading for any construction site team considering forgoing the maintenance of essential security elements this Christmas in an effort to reduce costs or go without.

Whether from a contractor, subcontractor or developer perspective, theft or vandalism on site can have a significant impact. There can be the disruption and lost time of resolving an incident and a potential delay to project progress; extra costs to replace or hire new equipment; the potential loss of income if the theft impacts a tradesperson, and the potential implications around the mental health and wellbeing of those involved in an incident.

Deterring theft on construction sites this Christmas

With a fully SIA licensed Biosite Security guard on site during the shutdown period, you can ensure that assets are protected 24/7. Guards are supported by Biosite’s dedicated control room which will monitor and protect Biosite systems in use. The option for live GPS and mobile tracking is also available.

Allianz Cornhill also reported that nearly £17.5m worth of tools were stolen in London alone in 2020, explaining that construction site theft continues to be a problem due to increased demand for equipment, supply chain disruption and an increasing demand for secondhand equipment.**

Now, as the Christmas shutdown approaches, sites need to remain vigilant when it comes to ensuring effective protection against crime.

Simon Oakley, Operations Director at Biosite Security, explains: “We have started to see a worrying trend emerging where some sites are reducing normal levels of security reinforcements, including manned guarding, in an effort to save costs or because security has fallen down the priority list in response to cost pressures. What has been especially concerning is the underlying feeling that a small number of sites may be willing to ‘take the risk’ should the worst happen and a site is impacted by crime.

“It’s critical that site security is not compromised as the impact of theft and vandalism can have a dramatic impact on project progress. Having a physical presence on the ground can be beneficial for many reasons, whether that’s protecting assets from theft or damage or crucially being able to respond rapidly to an incident if an intruder has entered site, particularly if that poses a potential risk to life or to the surrounding area.

“Site security should always remain a priority but especially with the Christmas shutdown approaching, as it could present a perfect storm for opportunistic criminals to strike. Now is not the time to sacrifice site security – it is more important than ever.”  

To find out more about Biosite Christmas guarding cover, contact the team below.

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Christmas guarding cover is based on inclusive cover from 12.00pm on Friday 22nd December 2023 to 07.00am on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 but cover can be extended as required.  


*Nine in ten tradespeople have experienced theft: NFU Mutual

**Why construction plant theft is still a problem: Allianz Insurance plc